Monday, June 27, 2011

the mummy premiere footage

                                 I was on YouTube and I found some footage of the premiere of the mummy
P.S the footage is in the middle

Saturday, June 25, 2011

The coolest and best mummy tribute ever!

A couple of weeks ago I was on YouTube and stumbled on what I say are the best Mummy tributes ever! Send me and email and tell me which one you think is the best at thanks!
the one above is my favorite
the one below I made my self

Friday, June 24, 2011

THE MUMMY ONLINE!!!!!!!!!!!!

Finally the best news Iv heard of the mummy yet I am soo happy to say ,and I know this news is a little months late but there will be THE MUMMY ONLINE! All those hard core mummy fans it is my pleasure to say THE MUMMY HAS BEEN BROUGHT BACK TO LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! With this maby more people will notice the mummy and make it bigger than it is, and maby the people will give the mummy franchise another chance after the most disappointing sequel the mummy 3. Lets all hope the mummy online is a hit so the mummy franchise will get the flare it used to have!!!!
Here is the trailer if you haven't seen it yet.
here is the link to the website

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Here are some cool mummy collectables I found on eBay

Cool right

Finally another mummy fan

To day I was scrolling threw my iPad on Google images and stumbled on a picture of some one who is also a fan of the mummy trilogy. As you can see below she made a cake for the premiere of the Mummy 3 Good job! The mummy RULES!!

Its nice to know I'm not the only mummy fan in the world I know or seen so far so if you have cool pictures of you and your mummy crazyness like above please send it to me at Thanks!

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Revenge of the Mummy the ride!!!!!

A couple months ago I went to Universal studios Florida and it was 50x better than Disney, And yes this is all about the mummy ride! Can I just say I will be going back to universal just to ride that ride it was the BEST RIDE EVER! I mean I didn't want ever get off I would ride it all day if I could but I couldn't sadly. This is no Indiana Jones ride at Disney land this is a roller coaster with the mummy two of my favorite things! It doesn't get better than that! I mean if I could go back know I would. But the only thing I didn't like is how the gift shop after the ride was laking on mummy merchandise all it had was a couple of t-shirts some mugs and some nick nacks by the cash register. But other than that I recommend going to universal studios plus you can see a bunch of props from the movie. Bottom line if your a major mummy fan like me GO TO UNIVERSAL STUDIOS!!!!!!

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Saturday, June 11, 2011

Welcome fellow Mummy fans

Welcome to the Mummy fan site! This site is a tribute to the mummy movies so please don't get me in trouble please I'm just a BIG mummy fan.Here you can see the latest news on the mummy franchise. Please help me keep the mummy trilogy alive after the most disappointing sequel ever The Mummy 3. After I saw the movie I was deeply disappointed, so please as I say it again LETS MAKE THE MUMMY LIVE ON FOREVER!!!!!!!